Picture yourself standing on the end of the high-dive for the first time and looking down at the tiny little pool below. Your friends are on the ladder behind you, egging you on, but it sure is a long way down, and it's really gonna hurt if you bellyflop.
So what do you do? You have two options: turn around, knock your friends back down the ladder, and spend the rest of your life listening to them tell stories about how you chickened out (and you know they will, because that's what friends do), or face forward, take a deep breath, and dive straight in. In the end, even if you bellyflop like a champ, which one of those options is going to be less painful?
No matter what you dream of doing, no matter how impossible it seems, have faith that whatever you dare to do, you'll succeed.
It may not be easy, and it'll likely take hard work, time, and a lot of tries, but if you believe in yourself, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.
Believing in yourself can be the hardest part, but as you successfully start to take the first steps on the way to your big goals, you’ll gain confidence, and that confidence will build momentum. And much like a runaway train rolling down a mountain, once you have momentum, you’ll be unstoppable.